Make an Appointment: [email protected] | (360) 461-8764

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    Our Services

    Mental Health Practitioner Consultation: Whether you are an associate mental health practitioner in counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy, or a fully licensed expert in your field – the likelihood that you are experiencing doubts about who you are and how you are helping others is great. 

    Workshops and Training: Mental health workshops and trainings are available to academic institutions, community mental health agencies, group mental health practices, and many other learning platforms. 

    Private Practice Consultation: If you are new to the world of private mental health practice, it can be lonely and fraught with unique challenges you may not have encountered before.  APS, LLC offers a variety of in-person and virtual training packages geared toward making it an easy transition into working for yourself. 

    Clinical Supervision: APS, LLC provides clinical supervision to mental health practitioners who would like to become licensed in Washington State. We provide supervision to associates in counseling, marriage and family therapy, and social work. Additionally, we supervise internship and practicum graduate students planning to become an associate in the mental health field. 

    Group Practice and Business Consultation: Whether you are starting a group practice, creating a mental health business, or rebranding your mental health practice; APS, LLC can assist you in many ways. Some common consultation options include streamlining operations, understanding regulatory board requirements for licensure, providing a risk assessment and management protocol, improving clinician outcomes and safety, and practicing the standard of ethical guidelines. 

    “Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.” ― Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

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